Friday, April 30, 2010

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Ibu!

30 April 2010.
06:30 pagi.
Lupa kalo hari ini Ibu ulang tahun. Langsung berangkat ke Indralaya, mau praktikum Ortho.

13:00 siang.
Pulang dijemput Dhanu. Masih lupa sama ulang tahun Ibu. Capek abis praktikum, langsung makan.

13:30 siang.
Abis makan mau shalat, tiba-tiba Dhanu bilang ke Ibu, "Ibu, kakak pergi ya mau ditraktir Ata yang ultahnya bareng sama Ibu". Baru nyadar, langsung nyusun rencana sama Dhanu.

14:00 siang.
Dhanu pergi jalan sekalian membawa tugas membeli kue dan lilin. Berencana pulang sekitar habis maghrib. Aku memutuskan untuk tidur siang. Ngantuk berat.

16:00 sore.
Bangun langsung shalat. Sms Dhanu ngingetin beli kue. Dibales Dhanu, 'Insya Allah.'.

18:00 maghrib.
Lagi ngenet. Belum mandi. Dhanu sms kalo dia lupa beli kue. Mulai manggil Agil minta anterin beli kue. Ternyata Agil juga belum balik maen. Pasrah. Mulai mandi dan shalat Maghrib.

19:00 hampir Isya'.
Dhanu pulang, mulai keliling nyari kue. Setelah keliling akhirnya dapet kue di Mom Mee, kecil, mahal, dan ternyata di Mom Mee gak ada lilin. Melanjutkan perjalanan nyari lilin.

20:00 lewat Isya'.
Akhirnya dapet lilin di Indomaret setelah masuk ke 3 minimarket sebelumnya. Pulang ke rumah, nyembunyiin kue di lemari kamar Dhanu, nelfon Ayah (ternyata masih di Kertapati), nyari Agil (ternyata masih maen futsal). Pasrah menunggu bersama Dhanu sambil ngenet.

21:00 malem.
Ayah pulang. Agil pulang. Mulai nyiapin kue dan lilin di kamar Dhanu, eh tiba-tiba Ibu ngetok kamar. Untung Agil sigap dan mulai bersandiwara.

21:15 malem.
Udah siap-siap mau nyanyiin lagu sambil bawa kue, eh pas masuk ke kamar Ibu, Ibunya lagi shalat. -____-". Memutuskan buat ngelanjutin nyanyi dan menyebabkan Ibu batal shalat. Maaf ya Ya Allah..

21:20 malem.
MISI SUKSES! ALHAMDULILLAH! Semua senang, semua menang! Mulai makan kue dan kuenya ennnnaaaaaakkkk... Maaf ya kue, aku meragukan keenakanmu tadi.. Pantes deh lu mahal!

"Selamat Ulang Tahun, Ibu. Semoga sehat selalu dan diberikan yang terbaik sama Allah. Terimakasih sudah lahir."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two Months Update

Think that I don't need to say sorry anymore for not updating in 2 months since neither I should do that, nor anybody who's waiting for it. hehehe.. By the way, I'm so going to recap these past 2 months to a looonnnggg one post. Please anticipate it! :)

  • I changed my biased from Hankyung to Siwon then Leeteuk and Sungmin, and you know what? I'm officially Hyukjae biased now! Hehe.. :)
  • There are 6 members who have Twitter! They're @shinsfriends @donghae861510 @myblacksmile @choi_SW (For my gracious God, he FOLLOWED ME!) @heedictator @henrylau89. Please please.. It's Hyukjae who is the 7th... Pleaseeee..
  • I thought I will fail in Orthodontic Practical Test. I still cant do that bending wire thingy even the slightest one. Please pray for me. Anyone.
  • I lost my feelings to my Imprint. All of sudden. I think I should have a real one.
  • Felt so nervous about this semester. What if i couldn't get the standard score so I couldn't take those thesis preparations? What if I couldn't pass the practical test so I couldn't pass the subject? What if? Aisshhh..
  • I've been waiting for that scholarship transfer to my bank account! When, oh when? There are so many things I wanna have, you know?
  • Been saving for Super Junior Super Show 3's ticket concert. Wherever, whenever, I have to see them perform in front of my eyes before they disband!
  • My youngest little brother is comeback to the-disorder-of-teenage-boy-stage. So confusing.
  • After past 2 or 3 months I succeed to avoid opening his Twitter, I finally gave my heart to the devil again (read: gave up) 2 days ago. Pabo!
  • Started to think to have a boyfriend. A steady one.
  • Started to think to have a boyfriend. A steady one.
  • Started to think to have a boyfriend. A steady one.
  • Started to think to have a boyfriend. A steady one.
  • Started to think to have a boyfriend. A steady one.
Should I type it until 40, God? So you can accede it immediately. Eventually.
If it is, I'm so going to do that.